Thursday, December 3, 2009

Been Busy Singing!!

Wow! It's been a while since I've done any blogging.... obviously.
However, the good news is that I have been very busy living my bliss, that is to say I have been singing!!

In September I began singing with a choir again. A great choir called the Westben Festival Chorus. I sang with them last fall,too. The past two weekends were spent in four separate performances singing in three different locations. It was a truly satisfying, soul nurturing, blissful experience.

Now that the performances are over with for this year,
I hope to return to making some more regular blog entries.
And preparing for the holidays.
And enjoying (NOT stressing over) the season!
Christmas cards and gingerbread.... here I come!


Lisa said...

congratulations on all the singing and also on the lovely post over at Blisschick today. I very much enjoyed it.
Miss hearing your voice around, nice to have you back :) (tho real-life bliss trumps everything else, you go girl!)

karmacoy said...

Thank you Kavindra!! I was very pumped to be posted by Christine!!
I've missed your voice too, glad to see you're back as well!