It is Wednesday and while I haven't
participated in Jamie Ridler's Wishcasting Wednesday in some time,
her question today has prompted me to write. Today Jamie asks;
do you wish to grow?"
I wish to grow in confidence
disregard the naysayers
(many of whom reside in my own head!)
and do
what I was born to do
be who I was born to be.
I wish to grow in
self discipline
not allowing trivial activities steal time
soulful activities
which are most essential
to my living my dreams
(ah, see my previous post,
Less screen time = More guitar time!)
to make those essential activities a priority.
that means significant
daily time and attention
paid to my stories and songwriting, singing
and guitar.
I would also like to grow some salad
And how is truly the question.
I kinda have a brown thumb.
Any suggestions?
This question/post also prompts me to share a video of my friend Andrew Queen which features some of my favourite foods and friends!! My family loves his cd and it has made a great gift to others as well. Andrew Queen:Just Down the Road
How do you wish to grow?
As you wish for yourself so I wish for you as well!
I can identify with your wishes quite a bit. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also.
Yes! To grow in self discipline! It is so easy for me to let things distract me from what I need to be doing! As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.
No advice about the salad greens, although I hear they are fairly quick & easy to grow. But the rest of your wishcasting sounds so much like my own! As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you as well.
Play, and grow ~ as you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
<3 Jane
Great wishes! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
I love your wishes--I relate to so many of them.
As Carrie wishes for herself, I truly wish for her as well!
oh the trivial activities... i strive to avoid those too. good food for thought. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too. ~diana
Oh, these are good wishes, and the first time I posted, I was so excited to say so, I forgot to say: As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
Lovely and well put wish. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
Carrie, your wish struck a chord with the part about time wasting when one could be engaging in soulful activities. I'm also trying to get better with that. As you've wished for yourself, I wish for you also.
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