Monday, January 9, 2012

My Word for 2012

I have some work to do in achieving a few dreams of mine.
The word for the year needs to be inspiring though.
Not something dreaded.
And so I choose Commit.
A much friendlier word indeed.

I will commit to:
~ happiness and being the best me I can be!
~practice!!! (guitar, voice and yoga)
~getting things done (projects I've started or have been intending to start)
~eating healthier and menu planning
~stengthening and maintaining relationships
~doing the "work" neccesary to achieve the above desired goals.


Susan said...

great word:) still working on my word for 2012...i'm a bit late. found you via jamie ridler's morning pages post!

karmacoy said...

Thanks Susan, I am still ... getting acquainted with my word shall we say! Thanks for stopping by!