I must remark on something that grabbed my attention while I was blog surfing in recent months. When following threads of curiosity, (see previous post) I found it interesting how often I came across references to renowned author and creativity guru, Julia Cameron and her seventeen year old publication, The Artist’s Way. Of course it is not really surprising, the book is practically sacred text among like minded creative spirits.
This book was introduced to me just over one year ago (synchronicity?). I’m only a recent disciple of The Artist’s Way. While I have followed my heart in many aspects of my life (in love, travel and career choices), I never openly believed in my creative nature. I’ve never been to art school, nor did I study any of the arts such as music, visual art or drama in high school (so long ago), although I was always drawn to literature and writing. So,while I had not been living under a rock, I did managed to avoid learning anything about Ms. Cameron until February 2008.
I became aware of the book when I was nearing the end of my year long Yoga Teacher Training Course. While at the lodge one weekend last February, I noticed an unfamiliar title on the common room coffee table. (btw, I think the “coffee table” should undergo a facelift and become the “herbal tea table”, but that’s another post all together).
Curious, I picked it up and immediately became engrossed. An hour or so later, a yoga-training mate told me that she had borrowed the book from a friend and she had never been able to get through it and that, by all means, I was absolutely welcome to borrow it. Anyway, she said she couldn’t believe that “someone as creative as you has never come across it before!”
And thus began my journey.
My morning pages.
My lists.
My Artist’s dates.
My creative affirmations.
My mourning and letting go of years of lost possibilities.
I am pretty faithful to my morning pages, I don’t write every day but I average about 4-5 times per week. Living in a small rural community, having a tight schedule and lacking a vehicle have all made The Artist Dates challenging for me, but I try.
I have started playing my guitar more regularly than I ever have in the past 20 years that it has been in my possession. I’ve been writing songs and stories (that’s been going on for a few years). I joined a magnificent choir and I recently discovered that I love to paint with my daughter’s Elmer’s paint pens.
I’ll now add my post to the multitudes in recognition of an amazing creativity coach. Here’s to Julia Cameron and The Artist’s Way, I certainly am enjoying this Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Welcome to my Bowl of Oranges!
I am creating this space for me.
All are welcomed to join me here. I love company!
This will be a place for me to:
All are welcomed to join me here. I love company!
This will be a place for me to:
- Make observations, declarations and discoveries about life (both mine and in general
- Conceive, grow, birth and nurture my heart songs (dreams)
- Make lists! I love lists!!
- Talk about books and music that I love.
- Talk about authors, illustrators and musicians whom I love.
- Practice and study yoga
- Honour Creativity in her countless forms
- Practice Gratitude
- Encourage and inspire others in the pursuit of any and/or all of the above
- Hold myself accountable for all of the above!
On top of all that, I am here as a student. Life long learning is my motto and the blogoshpere is my new favourite classroom. I have spent many months cruising around and gathering knowledge and wisdom from a variety of blogs, deciding what I like and what I do not in layout and design as well as content and style. Now I have a Blog home of my own to return to after my wanderings and I will definitely be using this space to discuss and expand upon my research and findings.
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